Salvete Omnes,
The VI Session of the Concilium Plebis is to be called to order on October 17th. All Plebians (members) are called to attend.
An Augur recognized by the Res Publica is requested to take the Auspices.
The location of this meeting will be on an online in the Main Forum in this thread.
The order of business is to elect four* Plebeian Tribunes and two Plebeian Aediles to serve the Republic from December 10, 2017 until December 10, 2018.
The Republic calls upon its qualified Plebeian Citizens to step forward for these noble offices. Candidates may post their prepared declarations after the opening of this upcoming session.
The qualifications for the office of Plebeian Tribune are specified in LEX CURIATORUM: On the Plebeian Tribunes, Section IV.a
The qualifications for the office of Plebeian Aedile are specified in LEX CURIATORUM: On the Plebeian Aediles, Section III.a
Any Pleb (voting member) is asked to submit any additional items for the agenda by replying to this thread no later than Oct. 16th.
The meeting will start on Oct 17. Voting scheduled** to begin Oct. 29th and end November 7th.
P. Sextius Laevus
Tribunus Plebis Minor
* Changed from 2 to 4 per the Lex.
** Changed to refect delayed voting period.