by Lucia Horatia Adamas » Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:29 pm
L. Horatia Adamas L. Livio Senecæ magistro et collegæ omnibusque S.P.D.
Well, links to ALF, SLEU, Melissa, the Morgan Lexicon now being handled by Patricius Oenus (Patrick Owen[s], who spoke at the ALF convention from which I recently returned), YLE radio, GLL, vRoma, Perseus, an index of circuli, selected readings by Terentius, Milena, Avitus, W. Stroh, etc., and possibly to Ascanius, would make a good start. I suspect that the conventicula, rusticationes, septimanæ Latinæ, etc., are over for this year, but the basic URLs should make a good addition for the future.
I see you have gotten some of these, and some others (Wheelock, Reggie Foster) onsite…I think Radio Bremen also has news, but less frequently than in the past.
Vale, et valete!