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Two Patres in the same area

Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:14 am
by Gaius Curtius Philo
Salvete Sacrati!
I have a question. My good friend and sacratus T. Flavius Severus said to me once that there is to be only one Pater per area. One Pater per city for example.
But what happens if someone who is a Pater moves to a city of someone else who also is a Pater? Does the newcomer Pater lose his grade as Pater? But how could that be if the Grade Pater is spiritual in nature and relates to the proximity of the person to the Divine and the Ultimate Truth?
In that sense, it doesn't make sense to me no matter the outcome. If you remove the Grade doesn't make sense, but having two Patres in the same place also doesn't make sense from what I was told.
So what is the solution?
C. Philo
Re: Two Patres in the same area

Wed Aug 30, 2017 11:49 am
by Titus Flavius Severus
Salve amice,
Being a realist, it seems to me that the solution of such a question, before there was a need in its decision, is slightly premature.
Nevertheless, I do not see anything fundamentally complex in this. You correctly identified the key points on which to base your decision on this issue. Since "Pater" is a degree of initiation, and not a post (office) as such, one can not deprive someone of the degree of initiation only in view of the change of his place of residence. Therefore, the degree of initiation in case of change of residence or relocation should remain unchanged.
Anticipating your next question, I can say that the presence of two or more persons with a degree of initiation "Pater" in some locality is also not a problem. We should not look at the degree of "Pater" as a position, we must perceive it, exactly as the degree of initiation, which assesses the level of knowledge and abilities. To a certain extent, the degree of initiation depends on the fact of the presence of the community and its strength. If we are talking about two "Pater" in one area, then the newcomer must either build his own community or join the already existing community, since without the community the significance of the degree of initiation in a certain sense loses its significance. The more the Cult has knowledgeable people in one area, the better, this increases the level of the local community.
Re: Two Patres in the same area

Wed Aug 30, 2017 6:47 pm
by Gaius Curtius Philo
Thank you for the explanation amice!
Regarding the community's territory, what would it he composed of? Would a community be all the Mithraea (if there is more than one) of a City or of a State or what? What defines the Jurisdiction of a Single Community?
Re: Two Patres in the same area

Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:47 am
by Titus Flavius Severus
Salve amice,
This is an interesting question. I believe, again, that this issue should be resolved as it emerges. Nevertheless, thinking about this hypothetical task, it should be said that this issue should be referred to the authority of the Councilium Patrum. In addition, it seems appropriate to establish a relationship between the number of people in the community and its representatives in the grade of "Pater". At the same time, the question itself, concerning the boundaries and the number of followers, must be solved in each individual case, taking into account all the features. At the same time, it is absolutely obscure that the minimal local community is Mithreum - and only the union of a certain number of mitreums according to the level corresponds to the level of one Pater.
Re: Two Patres in the same area

Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:32 am
by Gaius Curtius Philo