Is there a Beginners Guide to Mithraism?

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Is there a Beginners Guide to Mithraism?

Postby Gaius Curtius Philo » Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:28 am

Salvete Patres!

I would like to know if there is any beginners guide or any "crash course" on Mithraism for the uninitiated to learn :)

"Ignis aurum probat" - Seneca
C. Curtius L. f. Vot. Philo Aurelianus
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Re: Is there a Beginners Guide to Mithraism?

Postby Appius Iunius Seneca » Tue Sep 19, 2017 6:53 pm


There is no true historical valid guide to Mithraism. There are some books which present some ideas based on some ancient sources - but even these sources are very few. So in the case of Mithraism there is necessary to understand that we can only reconstruct some basic ideas and add to them our interpretation.
I can suggest two books which I consider as a good one (but I do not agree with everything what is written in them - for example I practice Roman Mithraism without any connection with Persian Mithra): ... =mithraism ... =mithraism

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