Circus Livius

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Circus Livius

Postby Mania Aurelia Apollonia » Sat Sep 30, 2017 9:50 pm


The races are still on! The Ludi Romani, I do believe.

Who else is excited about the races?

I think we as a faction have done really well!

Hopefully you all have had as much fun with this as I have.

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Mania Aurelia Apollonia
Apollinis Sacerdos
Apollinis Sacerdos
Posts: 41
Joined: Mon Apr 24, 2017 5:21 am
Location: Eria

Re: Circus Livius

Postby Lucius Livius Seneca » Tue Oct 03, 2017 5:40 am

L. Livius prae. circ. et dom.Aureliae Apolloniae et omnibus prasinis sal.

Even from the umpire's chair, I have been enjoying the back-and-forth of the races! Sometimes a race seems so straightforward, and then all of a sudden everything changes!

I'm also interested to hear from any chariot sponsors about their experiences, positive or negative. This is the first time the aedilitas has used this racing system, and as praepositus circensis, I would like to collect as much feedback as possible to improve the system for future races.

Vale et valete.
Lucius Livius Seneca

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